Thank you for helping me take the leap
I enjoy reading the acknowledgments in a book, and in a movie theater, I usually stay to the end of the credits.
And while this isn’t a book or a movie, I feel a tug at my heart to acknowledge and thank the people – and dogs – who have helped me in different ways with this website – some without knowing it.
This website wouldn’t exist without their help and encouragement.
Lissa Boles, Lyn Allen, Cara Brown, Maralyn Cale, Susan Howard, Maggie Katz, Amy McClain, Peggy Stritch, Helen Edwards and Jennifer Flynn, thank you for listening to my stories and deepening their meaning. You’ve helped me embrace myself as a storyteller and share my stories with a wider audience, in both written and spoken form. I feel your presence when I record the stories.
Adel Brown, editor extraordinaire, thank you for thinking through this website with me, bringing your love of words and your design sensibilities to the pages. I’m grateful for our think-and-write sessions as we shape my writing together.
Debora Seidman, friend and wonderful writing coach, thank you for your help with my first ever blog post and every subsequent one.
Everyone who has read posts for Whimsy & Tea (my weaving business), thank you for your time, attention, comments and sharing. You have helped build my confidence as a writer.
Jena Schwartz, thank you for “fierce encouragement” and for creating safe, supportive writing groups. And another thank-you to the writers there for sharing your words and reading mine.
Wendy Cholbi, thank you for getting this website up and running and patiently answering my technology, website and WordPress questions (in language I can understand).
Lynne Graves, thank you for contributing to the first version of this site by venturing into the woods on a rainy morning for fun a photoshoot that captured the sweet companionship Asha and I share.
Isabella Dellolio, thank you for putting me at ease and for realizing my vision for the photos as we walked along one of my favorite trails.
Joshua Packard, thank you for walking with us and recording sounds in the woods, for designing the intro and outro and producing each episode. I listen in the woods differently now.
Barbara McNally, thank you for your lovely design work for the podcast and navigating the file requirements. I’m happy we met at the Healdsburg farmers market years ago.
Dan Fierst, thank you for legal assistance with the privacy policy and your willingness to address my many questions. I appreciate your expertise.
Sherri Andrews, in addition to your loving and supportive friendship, thank you for sending the link that eventually led to Asha’s adoption.
Marta, Susan Edwards and all the volunteers at Rescue Dogs Rock NYC, thank you for rescuing and fostering Asha, her siblings and so many more dogs and for approving our application to adopt her.
My dog-walking friends, both human and canine – especially Sherri Andrews, Howard, Koda and Gracie; Deb Donaldson and Melia; Deliah Rosel and Miss Ruby; Cecilia, Willa and Maisie; Joe Shoenfeld, Honey, Suzy and Lulu; Suzanne and Jolene – thank you for conversations and exploring trails with Asha and me.
Everyone who maintains the trails, thank you for clearing fallen trees, repairing bridges, putting up trail markers and everything else you do.
The woods and all that lives and grows in your midst, thank you for welcoming (and tolerating) Asha and me and allowing us to soak in your beauty. My walks with Asha have affected me deeply. Please accept my stories in return for your generosity.
Molly and Codi, thank you for so very many walks – in the woods, through the vineyard, and along the fire road – and romps at the ocean. Thank you for teaching me, to borrow from Barbara Brown Taylor, that ordinary routines are drenched in divine possibility.
Asha, thank you for your friendly, loving presence in my life, pulling me into the woods and being an eager walking companion.
Danita, thank you for believing in this project, for your love and for journeying through life with me.
Photo by Isabella Dellolio Photography