I made a map that tells a story – about where I’ve walked (and about getting to know wooded paths and trusting how I find my own way). (read more or listen, 7:11 minutes)
When I failed to act on my desire to hold a ceremony for a beloved tree, I wrote this letter. (read more or listen, 7:56 minutes)
Tenderness of new beginnings
Listening to the whispered wisdom from leaves of an unfamiliar shrub encourage me to meet myself with tenderness as I explore the next iteration of my work. (read more or listen, 6:36 minutes)
Walking through doubt
Two walks, two months, one place: When doubt, grief and anger became a key that unlocked wonder. (read more or listen, 6:07 minutes)
Lying on a frozen pond
Lying on a frozen pond, trusting the ice will hold me, feels akin to the decision-making that took me away from the solid ground of the familiar. (read more or listen, 7:13 minutes)
Mary Oliver at the beaver meadow
“Norma,” my inner critic, visited while I lingered at the beaver meadow. Mary Oliver’s poetry helped me reclaim my enoughness. (read more or listen, 6:05 minutes)
When ‘heart’ becomes a verb
How journaling the phrase “headed into the woods” turned “heart” into a verb. (And what happened next.) (read more or listen, 6:29 minutes)
Cocoons and liberation
When I found a Northern Casemaker Caddisfly larva, I began to think about my own portable cocoon. (read more or listen, 7:25 minutes)
Geese and indigo: Thoughts on wonder
Walking by the beaver pond with Asha, expecting to see Canada Geese but finding the pond empty of birds, prompted me to consider wonder, both noun and verb. (read more or listen, 5:35 minutes)
While looking for birch seeds
What I found while crunching through the snow searching for birch seeds. (read more or listen, 6:05 minutes)