How Asha’s instinctive No led me to begin to acknowledge and respect my own body’s No’s — without layers of Supposed to or Should. (read more or listen, 5:34 minutes)
Stepping into the fog
When I start to get lost in uncertainty, I turn to this comforting lesson from a foggy morning walk.
(read more or listen, 4:23 minutes)
Considering delight
(listening time: 6:37 minutes) Asha waits patiently while I lace up my sneakers and gather everything for our walk: keys, sunglasses, bug hat, binoculars, hand lens, dog treats and leash. On our way out the door, Asha picks up her Frisbee. I tell her to leave it and promise to throw some sticks for her […]
I miss what was
Sometimes being with sadness is all that’s asked of us. (read more or listen, 4:11 minutes)
Leaning into beauty
These ordinary moments reminded me that despite isolation, worry and fear, beauty arrives in many forms, offering connection, nourishment and comfort. (read more or listen, 4:38 minutes)
‘Hello, Black Birch!’
The reason I say ‘Hello’ by name to the trees as Asha and I make our way through the woods — and what is changing walk by walk, name by name. (read more or listen, 6:42 minutes)
Damn mosquitos
Why does being annoyed lead me into unkind self-judgment? What do I miss noticing and what’s available if I make peace with irritation? (read more or listen, 3:52 minutes)
Approach, retreat, bark
What Asha’s instinctive reaction to the unknown shows me about greeting my own fear and uncertainty. (read more or listen, 4:38 minutes)
The art of walking
Why I devote attention and time to exploring the qualities of both satisfying and unsatisfying walks. read more or listen, 5:50 minutes)
Beyond the rickety bridge
How maps change my experience on woodland walks, and why, even though I might at times want one, it’s often better for me to walk map-free. (read more or listen, 4:12 minutes)